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iConnectHue allows you to do advanced editing of your Philips Hue (Signify Hue) switches like Hue Tap, Hue Dimmer, Hue Smart Button, but also of Friends of Hue switches like the amazing Lutron Aurora. You can program them the way you want. For all devices it is possible to set several actions for one button.
There are numerous possibilities (Alternations) to set the WHEN and WHAT for a single button, e.g. depending on time or repetitions. For Hue Wall Switch Modules, Hue Smart Buttons and Lutron Auroras you can even combine every Alternation with “Split by group on state”. Here we’ll show you how to set up such Alternations with the example of the Hue Smart Button.
Which alternations are possible?
Please create a first action for the button, then select the Alternation button top right or „Add time, on-state or count dependence” at the bottom.
The pop-up shows you all the various ways to alternate.
Split for multiple presses
Please create a first action for the button, then select the Alternation button top right or „Add time, on-state or count dependence” at the bottom.
Now select “Split for multiple presses”.
Each push of the button will start a different action. The next button push is marked by „(NEXT)“. If „Reset after 10 seconds“ is set, the next button after 10 seconds will always be the first button. Otherwise it is in sequential order.
You can set actions for up to five pushes. To do so select “Add new push alternation”.
Split by multiple presses + Split by group on state
(for Hue Wall Switch Modules, Hue Dimmer, Hue Smart Button, Lutron Aurora)
Please note: This combination of alternations is only available with the “2021 Upgrade” or if you purchased the app after March 2021. Of course it is also included in our memberships.
Use the Alternation button top right or this one at the bottom.
Now select “Split by group on state”.
If your switch triggers actions in multiple groups you will be asked to choose, which group’s state should be used.
Now you can toggle your scenes. 5 seconds after your last action the button is set to switch off the group.
Split by day and night
Please create a first action for the button, then select the Alternation button top right or „Add time, on-state or count dependence” at the bottom.
Now select “Split by day and night”.
Choose whether you want to use the existing action(s) for day or for night.
Now you are able to set different actions depending on day- or nighttime. Please note that a home location must be set in the menu under „Automation“ to allow iConnectHue to calculate your correct sunset and sunrise time.
This calculated time can also be changed by selecting the menu symbol next to the time and adding a positive or negative offset. The offset, however, will be activated for all sunrise/sunset related times (also timers).
Split by day and night + Split by group on state
(for Hue Wall Switch Modules, Hue Dimmer, Hue Smart Button, Lutron Aurora)
Please note: This combination of alternations is only available with the “2021 Upgrade” or if you purchased the app after March 2021. Of course it is also included in our memberships.
Select the Alternation button top right or this one at the bottom.
Now Select “Split by group on state”.
The combined alternation is set. Your button reacts depending on sunrise or sunset and also switches off.
Split by time
Please create a first action for the button, then select the Alternation button top right or „Add time, on-state or count dependence” at the bottom.
Now select “Split by time”.
Set the 1st part of the time range and select “Continue”.
Set the 2nd part of the time range and select “Finish”.
Up to five individual time frames are possible. To add more frames select “Add additional time”.
Split by time + Split by group on state
(for Hue Wall Switch Modules, Hue Dimmer, Hue Smart Button, Lutron Aurora)
Please note: This combination of alternations is only available with the “2021 Upgrade” or if you purchased the app after March 2021. Of course it is also included in our memberships.
Use the Alternation button top right or this one at the bottom.
Nowselect “Split by group on state”.
The combined alternation is set. Your button reacts depending on your time frames and also switches off.
Split by group on state
Please create a first action for the button, then select the Alternation button top right or „Add time, on-state or count dependence” at the bottom.
Now select “Split by group on state”.
Your button is now able to trigger different actions depending on whether a group is on or off.
Resetting chosen alternation type
If you want to reset the alternation type, select the edit pen top right and delete all alternations but one. Tip: Use the Wizard to reset all settings.
Weekend mode
Please note: The weekend mode is part of the membership or available as in app purchase.
Setting up weekend mode
Please create a first action for the button, then select the Alternation button top right or „Add time, on-state or count dependence” at the bottom.
Now select “Split by week/weekend”.
Choose whether you want the existing settings to be used for weekdays or the weekend.
The weekend mode can be configured additionally to other alternation types for all switches plus also the Hue motion sensor and for Automation (except Friends-of-Hue long presses and the rotation buttons of Lutron Aurora).
Removing weekend mode
To remove the weekend mode select the Alternation button top right. (Also possible: Delete all actions or use the wizard for a full clean up.)
Select “Remove split by weekend”.
Select if you want to keep the weekdays or the weekend actions.
Editing weekend
To create your own individual weekend select the menu symbol at the top.
Now select “Edit weekend”.
Choose which days you have your weekend and select “Save”.